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Living our commitment to equity and inclusion.

At Town, we teach each child that their identity is unique, vibrant, and dynamic. When students tell their story and hear their classmates’, we build the foundations for a community of curious and empathetic learners ready to make a positive impact on the world. 

Learning through the lenses of identity, community and equity are essential to our mission. When our students carefully examine their own individuality—who they are, who they’re not—they also explore the wide spectrum of human experiences. Over time, they form a better understanding of themselves, the groups that affirm and support them, and an appreciation for the diversity around them. With this knowledge, they become flexible thinkers and strong listeners, capable of maturity and nuance. They also acquire the vocabulary to interact with a broad range of people in a way that centers dignity and joy, while also acknowledging differences. Our students are called to learn with purpose and to use their learning tools to help  them form bonds across cultures, connections across disciplines, and ultimately, we hope, make the world a better place.  

Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not limited to students and the curriculum they learn. The collective commitment of the entire Town community (students, employees, families, the board) to this work is what makes Town unique. We acknowledge that practicing these values is a journey, and thus provide opportunities year round for everyone to learn both in affinity and community. 

So how do we do this work? Our talented faculty, guided by our Academic Team and myself, continuously reflect on their practice to create a dynamic curriculum with a wide representation of stories. Our robust Professional Development fund guarantees that our faculty and staff enrich themselves with the best practices in the field. We also organize learning experiences for parents and the board, echoing our work with students and employees. Finally, we make sure students see themselves and others in our programming. 

Fostering belonging, critical thinking, and joy is everyone’s responsibility at Town. Join me in our collective journey. 


Pierangelo Rossi
Director of Equity and Community Action

The Town School Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Celebrate diversity. Cultivate inclusion. Prepare to change the world.

At The Town School, we believe a diverse, inclusive, and equitable school community is critical for preparing students to participate in a complex, pluralistic, and interconnected society. We challenge ourselves to regularly evaluate and refine curricula, policies, and practices, and to commit the appropriate resources to ensure we embody these beliefs every day.

Guided by a commitment to Town’s ethical motto of Self, Others, and Surroundings, we seek to engage all community members around our multiple identities: among them race, age, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, family composition, ability/disability, learning styles, religion, sexuality, and socio-economic status. By engaging in this exploration of identity, culture, and systems that advantage some and disadvantage others, Town aspires for all members of our community – students, parents, caregivers, faculty, staff, alumni/ae, and Trustees – to develop a sense of belonging and for our graduates to bring about positive change in the world.

In support of diversity, inclusion, and equity at Town, all members of our community commit to:

  • Respect all
  • Trust each other to engage in difficult conversations
  • Share our unique stories and listen to others’
  • Learn from different perspectives and experiences
  • Examine our biases and endeavor to overcome them
  • Foster belonging, connectedness, and safety
  • Invest in the personal growth of children and adults alike

Bringing our statement to life.

Below are some examples of how we are working to embody our community commitments around diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Student Engagement
Curriculum: incorporating an anti-bias lens into academic excellence.
Family Engagement
Faculty and Staff Professional Development
Community Action

Student Engagement

Affinity Spaces:

  • Students of Color, 3rd-8th grade
  • White Anti-racist, 3rd-8th grade
  • Jewish Affinity Group, 5th-8th Grade
  • Gender and Sexuality Allyship (GSA), 7th-8th grade

Student voice in Divisional Assemblies: 

  • Latinx History Month
  • Diwali
  • Lunar New Year
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day
  • Black History Month

Student Anti-Bias Protocols are in the final design stage

Curriculum: incorporating an anti-bias lens into academic excellence.

Research-based curricular revisions centered on representation, truth-telling, stereotype-busting, centering underrepresented voices. 

Some examples:

  • NK Identity Curriculum: expanded literacy options to showcase diversity in family composition, socioeconomic status, and gender identity
  • 4th Grade: introduction of Seneca Village unit to highlight Black experience in NYC away from the colonial era
  • 3rd/6th grade: West African Kingdoms: rise of Ghana, Mali, Songhai prior to enslavement
  • Science: research on women in Science and People of Color in Science 
  • Performing Arts: global perspective on dance performances in every grade

Family Engagement

  • Equity and Belonging Presentation at Curriculum Evenings
  • Lunch and Learn Series
  • ALANA Parent Group (a long-running affinity group for parents of children with African, Latino/a/x, Asian, or Native American heritage) 
  • Parent Jewish Affinity Group (JAG)
  • Assembly and WWB auditorium lobby setup for heritage months and holidays
  • Equity Coffees 
  • Community Action Events, including a winter coat drive, collecting books for Project CICERO, and collecting supplies for the Ronald McDonald House of New York Parent Food Pantry

Faculty and Staff Professional Development

  • Using Protocols for Bias and Microaggressions 
  • Microaggression Training
  • Training with Transgender Training Institute
  • Gathering in Affinity Spaces: Employees of Color, White Anti-Racist, and LGBTQ+
  • Focusing on recruitment and retention of faculty of color
  • Working with diversity recruitment resources
  • Revising hiring process
  • Anti-Bias Training for resume reviewing and interviewing skills 

Community Action

Learn more about Community Action here.